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Energy transition with hydrogen – we are ready!

We are on our way to the carbon-neutral energy world of tomorrow. At the same time, global energy requirements are growing. The answer to this challenge is a sustainable, highly efficient hydrogen economy. We offer products and services along the entire emerging value chain – in the usual Bosch quality.

Hydrogen ecosystem with Bosch technologies
  • Icon energy carrier
    Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier for decentralized electricity and heat generation.
  • Icon storage medium
    Renewable energy can be stored and transported in hydrogen and its derivatives, such as ammonia and methane.
  • Icon Fuel
    Hydrogen-fueled commercial and rail vehicles can make a valuable contribution to decarbonization.
  • Icon raw material
    In the chemical industry, hydrogen is used as a raw material for many (synthesis) processes.
Dr. Stefan Hartung, Chairman of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch GmbH

Green hydrogen is essential if we want to make our world climate-neutral. It makes sense to use it in nearly every sector.

Dr. Stefan Hartung, Chairman of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch GmbH

Large-scale industrial hydrogen solutions for your business

From hydrogen production to use, from electrolysis to combined power and heat: We can offer you the perfect solution, manufactured industrially on a large scale, cleverly connected, scalable, ready to operate and from a single source.

Hydrogen technologies at Bosch | PEM electrolysis and SOFC system

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You are wondering what a the energy system of the future could look like and which innovative solutions are already paving the way for it today? Then follow our channel on LinkedIn and discover exciting insights and knowledge about how Bosch is actively shaping the future energy supply with technologies for the production and use of hydrogen.

Bosch and the hydrogen economy

Hydrogen ecosystem with Bosch technologies

From generation, storage, and transport to a multitude of possible applications of the sustainable energy carrier H₂: We at Bosch take a holistic approach to imagining and shaping the new energy world. We develop innovative applications and offer customized solutions, ready-to-operate plants, and smart services along the entire value chain.

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